Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Wolfclan

The wolfclan was a project I started in 7th grade. It was supposed to be not just one book, but a series of books all following the adventures of a super-powered wolf pack. However as is often the case in these projects, the initial burst of imagination is a lot bigger than the follow through. I didn't even finish the first book. I got 8 chapters in, and then let the project drop.

The plot in a nutshell is that an Alien race wants to create a super powered wolf pack to destroy earth. However after giving the wolves super powers and intelligence, the wolves escape and return to earth, thus ending the first book. The subsequent books would follow the super-hero like adventures of this wolfpack.

While I was in the middle of this project, we were assigned to write couplet poems for English class at school. I wrote a poem about wolves hunting. Although I had always dreaded poetry, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this couplet rhyming business wasn't so difficult after all. You ended on one word in the first line, and you could usually force the rhyme out in the second line. It was like discovering a new power.

I decided to go back and write prequel adventures about the wolf pack before the transformation. I adopted my poem from English class by inserting the names of the wolves from my story. I started on a second poem, "Mack's Attack," but never finished it.

Chapter Index

Prequel Poems

The Wolfclan chapters

The Wolfclan: The Hunt

Transcript: drivedocspub
Video HERE

Wolves have to hunt
For them it is quite a stunt

First they go and stare at the deer
This fills the creatures with fear

Then the deer begin to run
And the hunt has begun

The wolves pick up the pace
And so begins a furious chase

Then Cholk with all his might
Caught up to a deer and gave her a bite

The deer kicked Cholk really hard
Cholk went flying almost a yard

Cholk went up for a flight
It was really quite a sight

Cholk went through the air with a flash
And landed on the ground with a great big crash

Another deer stood up to fight
With hooves that shone as black as night

He kicked Kenam and gave a bellow
He was really quite a strong fellow

The wolves passed him by he was not their pick
They wanted a deer who was old and sick

Then they found the perfect prey
It would be the kill of the day

The wolves then closed in
Each one thinking of the pups in the den

If they could bring it down there would be meat for all
Even the pups who were very small

Then Bosard attacked as he leapt through the air
And bit down hard into deer hair.

The deer screamed and shook her back
Then did all the other wolves attack.

There was fighting and biting and a great deal of kicking,
As the wolves gave the deer a licking

Then as all the other deer fled
Lay the wolves' deer, who was dead

That night there was meat for all,
Even the pups who were very small

The Wolfclan: Mack's Attack

The Wolf pack was quite happy
But Humans wanted to end that snappy

They wanted to kill all of the pack
And add some more Wolf pelts to the stack

People back then thought wolves were bad
The thought of a wolf pack made them mad

They hired a wolfer to destroy the pack
A man who went by the name of Mack

Mack cheerfully went to buy a gun
For him killing wolves was lots of fun

Mack wanted all the wolves to be killed
Cause then he knew his pockets would be filled

He marched into the woods, the wolves he would shoot
Cause he wanted to drag in all the loot

He marched through the woods with a gun in his arm
If he could see a wolf, he'd do it some harm

The wolves smelled the human scent
and into hiding they all went

But Mack was no dope, he knew his stuff
It was awfully hard to pull his bluff

He thought he had the wolves for sure
He followed the footprints to find where they were

The Wolfclan: Chapter 1

The middle ages were not an ideal time to be alive if you happened to be a wolf. The wolf was hated and persecuted more than any other animal. Childish superstitions caused the cruel and continuous attack on one of God's most beautiful creatures.

During this time of injustice there lived a certain pack of wolves. Led by the courageous Kadash and his beautiful mate Molkem, the pack managed to escape countless attacks by humans. Kadash had tried several times to move the pack to a place where no humans lived, but there seemed to be no such place. Outside of the small forest where the wolves lived, humans were everywhere.

Bosard was the back bone of the pack. He was the bravest and strongest of them all. Darny was the clumsiest. He bungled just about any task you could give him. Ramuz was an all around wolf, skilled at everything, exceptional at nothing. Kenam was cunning and smart, and last but not least was Cumrod, who was exceptional at fighting with other animals.

The pack was also fortunate enough to have a liter of five pups. Their names were Zimram, Jokshan, Medan, Dedan, and Kenaz.

Human efforts to eliminate the pack had always failed. Although, sadly, once or twice they had eliminated a wolf from the pack. Pentus and Cholk were two members of the pack who had been killed by humans.

Meanwhile the earth was begin observed by aliens in a space ship. The Aliens looked just like people, except they had a sharp horn on their heads. The horn was about 6 inches and could be very deadly if the alien decided to ram his head into you.

The Commander of the ship was in the library when an excited crew member burst through the doors.

"Sir," he exclaimed, "We found intelligent life on T-50323."

"Shhh," said the commander. "This is a library."

"Terribly sorry sir," whispered the crew member.

The commander stayed where he was for a short time and looked at the books. Then he left the library with the crew member right behind him.

The commander walked down the hall to the main control room. "One of the crew informed me we have found another planet with intelligent life," he said.

"That is correct," said the first officer. "Planet T-50323. The intelligent life on this planet call themselves 'humans' and they call their planet 'Earth'. After scanning their history books we have learned the human way of life is more like our own way of life than any other life form we have encountered before."

"How so," asked the commander.

"Well," began the first officer, "They aren't always living in peace and being nice like those wimps on U-209."

"I remember those idiots," said the commander. "They were the easiest planet we ever destroyed. They had no weapons anywhere."

"However, " continued the first officer, "These humans are, in a way, wimps also. They're not near as great as us. Some of them are even foolish enough to show mercy on an enemy. Many believe you have to actually have a reason to kill somebody, and there are many other foolish things that these humans do."

"What would be the quickest way to destroy this planet?" asked the commander.

"The planet has limited technology," said the first officer. "It has no protective coverings that would prevent us from just blowing it up."

"Now," said the commander as he rubbed his hands together, "What would be the slowest and most painful way to destroy the planet."

The Wolfclan: Chapter 2

Sheban lived in a village just outside the forest where the wolf pack roamed. Sheban had been living a relatively normal life since the day he was born. Little did he know how abruptly his lifestyle was about to change.

It all started one day when Sheban was working in his bakery, which also happened to be his house. He had just sold a loaf of bread to a customer and was putting the money away when in dashed his childhood friend, Asite.

Asite's face was covered with mud, his clothes were torn, and his arms were bleeding. "Asite?" said Sheban. "Is that you?"

"Sheban! Sheban help me!" Asite screamed desperately.

"What's wrong?" asked Sheban.

"I'm a were wolf!" answered Asite.

Sheban was stunned. "Are you sure?" he asked.

"I'm positive!" said Asite. "The town's people know also. They want to kill me. You got to help me Sheban!"

Sheban stood there for a moment too shocked to do anything. Then, coming to his senses, he ran to a clay pot, in which he kept his money, and smashed it on the ground. Frantically he rummaged through his earnings until he found a silver coin. Holding the silver coin he warned Asite to stay away from him.

"Now hold on," said Asite. "It's not a full moon. It's daytime. Besides, I'm not an evil were wolf."

"I know of no other kind of were wolf," said Sheban.

Asite smiled. He had obviously lost his frightened attitude. "I think I see the problem here," he said. "Do you know how a person changes into a were wolf?"

Sheban looked at Asite cautiously. "There are many ways," he answered. "You can put on a wolf skin on a full moon and chant an evil spell, or you can drink water from a wolf's footprints, or you can--."

"That's what you believe," cut in Asite. "But none of those ways are really true. There's only one way to become a were wolf, and that's to take the burden of being a were wolf away from someone else."

"What do you mean?" asked Sheban.

"To rescue someone from being a were wolf, you must, on a full moon, stab them three times with a knife that has a silver blade. Then the were wolf puts his hand on you and says, 'were wolf leave me, go to my brother.' Then you say, 'were wolf leave my brother, go to me.' Then the were wolf goes to you and you become a were wolf. This is how I became a were wolf, by taking the burden off of my father, who got it by taking it away from someone else, and so on."

"Why did you do it?" asked Sheban.

"You mean take the burden away from my father? The reason is because being a were wolf is not a very pleasant thing. At first it's nice. Every full moon you become indestructible to anything except silver. And you are filled with super human strength. Being a were wolf does not make you evil, like many people think it does. I've kept my same personality and values ever since I became a were wolf, even during a full moon.

"However it doesn't take long before other people find out you're a were wolf. They believe, just like you do now, that anyone who is a were wolf is evil and must be destroyed. During a full moon it's pretty hard for them to kill you because of the super human strength of a were wolf and because the only thing that can harm you is silver. However when there is no full moon, you are like any other human and have almost no chance of escaping, except to have someone take the burden of being a were wolf away from you and throwing the villagers off your trail."

"That's why you've come to me?" asked Sheban.

"Correct," answered Asite. "You do believe me, don't you?"

"I know you would never turn yourself into a were wolf if you believed it would make you evil. I also know that you would not even then turn your self into a were wolf unless it was for an extremely good cause. So in other words, I believe you."

"Then you will do it?" asked Asite. "Will you take the burden of being a were wolf away from me?"

"Well," said Sheban, "I don't really know. Becoming a were wolf is not an idea that appeals to me."

"If you will just take this burden away from me for one week to throw the villagers off of my track, I promise that I will take it back when the week is done."

Sheban thought for a moment. "Okay," he said. "I'll do it."

"One more small favor," begged Asite. "Hide me until tonight."

"Is tonight a full moon?" asked Sheban.

"Yes it is," answered Asite.

"Then you can hide in my cupboards until then," said Sheban as he headed toward the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Asite.

"To buy a knife with a silver blade," said Sheban. Then he added, "which you will pay me back for when this is all over with."

The Wolfclan: Chapter 3

The commander of the space ship was doing his duties in the main control room when the first officer walked in. "Sir," he said, "I have carefully studied the planet T-50323 and I believe I have come up with the slowest and most painful way to destroy the planet, as you requested."

"Well done," said the commander. "What is it?"

"The humans on this planet have a creature called the were wolf. This creature is human by day and a were wolf on nights with a full moon. When it turns into a were wolf it has super strength and is unable to be harmed by anything except silver. If we could catch one, we could make it totally invincible. Then, with the help of our mind control program, we could program its mind to do our will. If we could also capture a pack of wolves, which is an animal that lives on T-50323, make them invincible, increase their strength, and program their minds also, we could release them on earth. With no way to kill them, they could destroy all life on earth one life at a time. Of course, this process would take a long time before it succeeds, maybe even centuries, but with no way to stop them, it can't help but succeed eventually."

"I like that plan," said the commander. "Get to work on it right away."

"We have already located the perfect pack of wolves," said the first officer. "However we will not be able to locate a were wolf until night falls. Fortunately there is a full moon tonight."

"If it's possible," began the commander, "try to make the were wolf from the same general location as the wolf pack."

"Yes sir," said the first officer. The first office left the main control room. The commander stayed in the control room a moment longer, then he left also. There were only two aliens left in the control room. There names were Cretal, and Elim.

Cretal walked over to Elim. "You heard what they said, another planet destroyed. Millions of intelligent life killed for no reason other than to make sure our alien empire has no competitors. Since I was drafted into space fleet, I've witnessed the destruction of many peaceful planets, and I can't take it anymore. I'm going to do something about it Elim! I'm going to free that pack of wolves or die trying."

"You must be mad," said Elim.

"Am I?" asked Cretal. "Am I mad for trying to save a planet about to be destroyed for no good reason?" Cretal looked at the floor. "I was also hoping you would help me."

"What?" said the startled Elim.

"Sure!" said Cretal, regaining eye contact. "Why with that gift of shooting fire that you have, we're almost guaranteed a victory."

Elim remembered the gift of shooting fire that he had. He had got the gift from an intelligent life form that lived on planet Z-64. The creature spoke the same language that the aliens did, but sadly enough it was destroyed by the aliens. The aliens had captured it and planned to use it as a specimen for a special acid that they had developed. If the acid was successful, the aliens were going to use it to destroy planet Z-64.

The acid was specifically designed to cause the creature great pain, and then kill him after an hour or so. The creature came from a peaceful race and did not suspect hostility from the aliens. It cooperated with them to the fullest extent and tried to help as much as it could. However, when the aliens put the acid on him, it became clear to the creature what the aliens really wanted. The creature then demonstrated an unusual power that it had. The creature began to shoot fire out of any part of his body that he chose.

The creature ran through the ship, inflaming every body who tried to stop him. The creature finally made it to the escape craft, where he would have escaped if he had not been stopped by three aliens wearing fire resistant suits. They captured the creature and brought him to a small fire resistant room, with see through walls. The room was filled with about an inch of acid. The acid immediately caused the creature great pain, but did not even start to dissolve his feet until an hour had gone by. The creature would have passed out because of the pain, but the air in the room was just like it was on the creature's planet, which made it impossible for the creature to pass out. So the creature slowly dissolved in acid over a period of forty eight hours. The acid killed him in half that time however. The room that the creature was in was not sound proof, and the creature spent the whole time screaming in pain and begging for mercy. After about four hours, the commander and the first officer and everybody else got bored and left. The next day the commander, and the first officer, sprayed the whole planet with the acid, killing all life on that planet in the same cruel way, but that's a different story.

Elim was walking through the halls when he heard the creature's shouts. Elim walked over to where he could see the creature.

"Please!" the creature shouted to him. "Please have mercy and let me out of here! Please help me! I'll be your slave. I'll do anything your government wants, just let me out."

"I can not let you out," said Elim. "My commander will kill me. I wish I could help you because I do not agree with my government's cruel ways."

The creature spoke, "open that window." He pointed to a small window near the bottom of the cage. At first Elim did not, but then the creature said, "I give you my word I will not try to escape, or harm you, or damage your ship." Elim slide the window open. "Give me your hand," commanded the creature. Elim obeyed. "I give to you the gift of fire," said the creature. Instantly Elim felt a surge of power run through him. "I have just given you the ability to shoot fire," said the creature, "so that the gift need not die with me. You now can absorb fire, and shoot it out later, out of any part of your body that you want to. You can shoot the fire through telepathy. You too can also give this gift away, the same way I did, but I would recommend you keep it until you're dying. Just remember you cannot shoot more fire than you absorb, and use this gift wisely my friend."

The creature then collapsed into the acid. Immediately he yelled in pain, but could not find the strength to pull himself out. Elim, not wishing to see the creature suffer any longer, ran back to his quarters and cried because of what was happening to the creature.

Cretal knew what Elim was thinking about. "You're thinking about how you got that gift, aren't you?" he said. "We have both made a big mistake by letting our government kill that creature, by letting our government destroy that creature's planet, by letting our government destroy all those planets. We made a big mistake with all those planets, and I don't plan to duplicate that mistake with the case of planet T-50323."

"Cretal, I'm not so sure--," began Elim.

"Elim," interrupted Cretal, "when you received the gift of fire it was because you showed compassion to that creature. The creature was undoubtedly hoping you would help free him. Even so, he accepted you for what you were and rewarded you for your kindness. Yet he was probably thinking in the back of his mind that this guy still has time to change. Remember what he said to you? He said use this gift wisely my friend. I bet he meant using it for the good of the Universe."

"Cretal, wake up!" said Elim. "What you're talking about is a suicide mission. It would be virtually impossible to fight off the whole ship and safely make it to earth. Even if we could accomplish this amazing feat, we would be stuck on a world unkind to anything different from themselves. We'd probably be killed by the intelligent residents of T-50323. In addition, the space ship would just find another pack of wolves to use, and if we managed to survive persecution by the "Human," as they call themselves, we would only be destroyed with the rest of the world. Also, if you're about to suggest we take over the whole ship, I don't think I need to remind you about how impossible that would be. Besides, Earth would only be waiting for the next ship to come along."

"Elim, you're not looking at this right," said Cretal. "Sure it's a suicide mission, but what do you expect me to do? Just watch? This mission in one way is impossible, but in another way it's bound to be successful. Whether we succeed in bringing the wolves back to earth or not, we will become an inspiration for others to follow. Sure we can't do anything by ourselves, but we can set an example for others. There are many ones like us, who oppose the government, but are too frightened to do anything. But maybe if they hear about how two people, like them, got the courage to do something against the government, they'll follow our example."

"Cretal, I just don't know about this," said Elim.

"Elim, said Cretal, "Are you going to help me or not?"

Elim thought for a moment. "I'll help you," he said at last.

"Good," said Cretal. "Here's the plan."

The Wolfclan: Chapter 4

Sheban looked up at the sky. The moon was full and bright. He turned back to Asite, who had already turned into a were wolf. "Are you ready?" asked Sheban.

"Do you remember what to do?" asked Asite. Sheban nodded. "You may proceed then," said Asite. Sheban took the dagger with the silver blade and stabbed Asite three times in the chest. The knife cut through Asite like he was made of butter. Asite fell to the ground like one dead. He managed to lay his feeble hands on Sheban's foot. Asite moved his lips and struggled to speak. "Were wolf leave me, go to my brother," he whispered.

"Were wolf leave my brother, go to me," said Sheban. No sooner had Sheban uttered these words than Asite started to glow a bright blue. Sheban saw Asite's hairy hands turn back to normal. His claws withered away and his sharp teeth turned back to normal. Sheban then looked at his own hands. They now had become hairy, and had sharp claws. Sheban ran to a mirror and looked into it. He was all covered with hair. His teeth were sharp and his ears turned pointed.

Asite picked himself off the ground. "Thank you so much," he said. Then he embraced Sheban, and ran to the door.

"Where are you going?" Sheban asked.

"I'm going to prove to the villagers that I'm not a were wolf," answered Asite. Sheban watched Asite run out the door, and then decided that the safest place for him to spend the night was in bed.

Meanwhile the villagers sat huddled by a statue of a wolf, made out of silver. The statue was used to keep away were wolves. Suddenly a woman yelled, "Asite is headed this way, and he ain't no were wolf." All of the villagers rushed over to see.

"Impossible!" said an old man. "We all saw him change into a were wolf." The villagers voiced their agreement.

"The devil must be giving him the power to look human!" exclaimed a woman. Again the villagers agreed.

"Quick, get your weapons ready," called a man. Almost every man, woman and child there had brought along something silver. The ones who brought silver bullets aimed their guns.

"Wait! Don't shoot!" called Asite. "Can't you see I'm not a were wolf?"

"If you're not a were wolf than prove it," somebody called out to him. Than that person tossed him a clump of silver. Asite caught the silver and rubbed it all over himself to prove that he wasn't a were wolf.

This left the villagers very confused. "If he's not a were wolf, " said one man, "then how can it be that we all saw him transform last night?"

"The Devil must be giving him the power to not become a were wolf for one night in the hopes that it will throw us off of his trail," said a woman. The villagers agreed.

"No, I'm not a were wolf," said Asite. "I never was a were wolf, and I have not had any dealings with the Devil."

"Then how do you explain last night?" asked a villager.

"The Devil was giving a were wolf the power to look like me for one night so that you all would think I was the were wolf and kill me," said Asite.

"Why is the Devil out to get you?" inquired a man.

"Um, he hates me because I'm so righteous," answered Asite.

"If that's true, than where were you last night?" asked a teenager.

"Um, I was out of town," said Asite. "That's why the Devil chose last night to pull his little trick."

"But I saw you in town yesterday," said a woman.

"Yeah, um, that's because I left at night," replied Asite. No sooner had the words left Asite's mouth than he realized his mistake.

"You traveled at night? On a full moon too? Don't you know how dangerous that is?" asked a man.

At the same time another man said, " only the Devil's creatures travel at night."

"Yeah, but, um, an angel told me it was okay to travel at night just this once."

"Where were you going that was so important that an angel told you that you could travel at night?" asked a villager.

"Well, you see, um, God told me not to tell anyone," stammered Asite.

"The almighty God himself came down to you?!" said a man.

"Angel! I mean the angel!" replied Asite. Asite could tell the villagers did not think too highly of his story.

"Where were you earlier tonight," asked a teenager.

"I was at home," answer Asite. "I was out of town last night, so I didn't know about the were wolf around town."

"Then how did you find out about the were wolf?" someone asked.

"He attacked me while I was in my home," Asite said.

"I don't see any scratch marks or wounds on you," pointed out an old woman.

"Yeah, well I was lucky," said Asite.

"So if we went into your house, we would find fresh were wolf tracks," said a lady. "You know how muddy it is outside your house."

"Um, yah, but the were wolf covered up his tracks," replied Asite. By the look of the villagers, Asite could tell that they weren't too impressed with his alibi.

"Hold on one minute while we discuss this," said a man. The villagers gathered in a huddle.

"I think he's lying," said a villager.

"I know he's lying," said another villager.

"We all know he's lying," said someone else. "So let's kill him right here and now."

"Wait a minute," said an old man. "I admit his story is pretty far fetched, but our own story, about how the Devil is giving him power to avoid becoming a were wolf for just one night, does not make the greatest sense either."

"But didn't you see his face?" pointed out a woman. "One could tell just by looking at him that this demon doesn't know what he's talking about."

"And why did we have to drag the story out of him bit by bit?" asked a man. "Why didn't he just tell us the whole thing when he came here." Several villagers shouted their approval.

"But maybe he really is innocent," said the old man. "We don't want to kill an innocent man."

"Okay," said another man. "We'll give him one last chance to prove he's not a were wolf. If he can prove himself to be innocent, we will not kill him of course. However, if he can not prove himself to be without guilt, whether we have proven him guilty or not, he shall be killed. Do you agree?"

"I agree," said the old man. With this said, the villagers turned around to question Asite.

"Asite," spoke the man who had proposed the test. "Can you tell us where the were wolf is right now?"

"What happens if I can't?" asked Asite.

"We will kill you for being a were wolf," came the answer.

Asite gulped. He thought about whether or not to expose Sheban. Asite turned all the factors over in his mind. Who should die, him or Sheban? "Come on," he said at last. "I'll take you to the were wolf."

"One more question," called out a teenager. "If you knew where the were wolf was, why didn't you tell us right away?"

"Asite," called out the old man, "You are not obligated to answer any more question." Many people turned to glare at the old man. The old man simply shrugged his shoulders and said, "that was the bargain, wasn't it?"

"The old man speaks the truth," said another man. "That was the bargain." After this, the people said no more. Asite led the people to Sheban's house.

"Here is where the were wolf is," he said.

"Wait a minute," said another woman. "Sheban wasn't there last night when we saw Asite transform. He doesn't even know there is a were wolf."

"Correction," said Asite. "Sheban was there last night and he does know that there's a were wolf."

"You mean Sheban's the were wolf?" asked a child.

"That's what I mean," answered Asite.

"Now you wait just a minute," yelled a woman from the back of the crowd. "I know Sheban, and he wouldn't turn himself into a were wolf." The rest of the villagers agreed.

"I know it sounds incredible, but you must believe me," said Asite. "You can even go inside his house and see for yourselves."

One man stepped forward. "We'll just break it down." The men and the older boys there began flinging themselves against the door. Asite watched them and felt a little sad because of what was about to happen to Sheban, but mostly he felt happy because he had saved himself.

The Wolfclan: Chapter 5

Sheban watched Asite leave, and then decided the safest place for him to spend the night was in bed. Sheban locked the door and went into bed. Sheban stayed in bed for quite a while, but then he heard voices outside. There were lots of voices, a whole crowd he figured. Sheban began to get nervous. Why were these people here? What did they want? Then Sheban heard a voice he recognized as Asite’s. Sheban relaxed. Surely Asite would keep the people outside. Sheban waited some more feeling very scared. He could hear lots of talking but couldn’t make out any words. Then Sheban heard a sound which was unmistakably the sound of someone trying to break down the door. Sheban didn’t know what was going on, but he wasn’t waiting to find out. Sheban ran to the back door, but before he opened it Sheban peaked through a little hole in the wood. Sheban saw that there were people in the back of his house too. Sheban quickly went to both sides of the house, and peaked through some tiny holes, only to find out that the house was surrounded on all sides.

Just then the door broke down. People swarmed into the house. Sheban quickly hid himself in the only way he could. He went inside the closet. A voice said, "Well Asite, here we are. Now where is that were wolf you said was in here?"

Sheban heard Asite’s voice say, "He’s in here somewhere. Look around. He’s probably hiding." Sheban was shocked that his friend, whom he trusted, had betrayed him, but right now he had more important things to worry about, like staying alive.

Sheban saw that someone was opening the closet door. Sheban stooped down so that he was on the floor. As soon as the door was opened, Sheban grabbed his attacker’s feet and flung the man behind him. The man hit the closet wall, but fortunately suffered only minor injuries.

Sheban ran through the crowds in a frantic effort escape. Somebody hit him in the back with a silver rod. Sheban fell to the ground with a burning feeling where the rod had hit him. Instantly he was surrounded by the villagers. They began whacking at him with all their silver items. The silver caused Sheban great pain, and he cried out in agony.

Then the voice of a man boomed out over the crowd. "Stand back everyone," he yelled. "I’ll handle this." Obediently the people stood back and the man came forward. The man carried a gun, inside the gun he had silver bullets. The man aimed his gun at Sheban’s head. In a lightening quick movement, Sheban grabbed the barrel of the gun and pushed it back into the man’s stomach. The man fell over. Sheban jumped to his feet and quickly climbed up the wall using the book shelves. When he got to the top of the shelves he, using his superhuman strength, was able to jump through the wooden roof. Sheban was able to accomplish all this before the villagers had time to react because of his strength. The villagers quickly poured out of the house and onto the street. Sheban took a running start, and then jumped over them and landed on his feet. Without missing a beat, Sheban began running again. All of the villagers who had brought guns with silver bullets fired. All of the bullets missed. The villagers began chasing after Sheban. Sheban ran into the forest with the villagers close behind him.

Sheban ran and ran and ran, not even bothering to look behind him. Eventually Sheban stopped to rest. He looked behind him and did not see the villagers, or even hear them coming. Sheban began walking again. He knew he could no longer live with humans. He would have to walk until he found a spot far enough from civilization. As he was walking, he noticed a bright light coming from the sky. Sheban stood in wonder, starring at it. The object got closer and closer until it landed right beside him. The object was rectangular, about 4 meters high and 6 meters long with a width of 2 meters. A door opened to the object and out came two creatures who looked just like humans except they had horns on their heads. The horns were about 6 inches long. Sheban thought these strange creatures must have been sent by either God or the Devil. The people of that day believed heaven was located above the earth, and hell was located in the center of the earth. Since these creatures came from the sky, they must have been sent by God. The creatures did not look like any of the angels Sheban had seen in the pictures at the church. They must be angels of death. To Sheban, everything seemed clear now. Becoming a were wolf must have been a great sin. So great that God had sent his angels of death to strike Sheban down. Sheban knew it was no use trying to run from God. He simply lay down and waited for the blow. Instead of killing him, these "Angels" took him into the object with them. Sheban saw, through a window, that they were flying away. Sheban sat there and wondered what was going to happen to him.

The Wolfclan: Chapter 6

Although Sheban didn’t know who these creatures were, I think the reader should recognize that they were the aliens, collecting their were wolf. The aliens had also captured a pack of wolves and, you guessed it, it was the same pack of wolves we met briefly at the beginning of this story. All of the wolves in the pack were there, even the pups.

As soon as the space craft carrying Sheban docked at the space ship, Sheban was forced into a tiny prison. Right next to him was the wolf pack. Sheban was now very confused as to what was happening.

The commander of the space ship arrived before long, with the first officer. He looked at the new prisoners. "Well done," he said to the first officer. "If the rest of your plan goes well, your success will be noted on your record." The First officer smiled, and the commander continued looking at the prisoners. "What about the cubs?" asked the commander. "Do you plan to make them invincible and control their minds also?"

"Yes we do," said the first officer. "In time they will grow up to become adults and destroy the world with their parents."

"Good thinking," said the commander. "Well, lets go." The first officer and the commander left the prison area. "I want you to begin the process of programming the minds of the wolves and the were wolf in two hours," the commander said.

"Yes sir," answered the first officer. As the two walked, they met up with the science officer. The science office spoke: "sir," he said, "We have just received orders from the government. They have sent over an intelligent life-form which they want us to kill, using a special acid. We have the acid in our science lab."

"Why couldn’t they do that themselves?" asked the commander.

"Kill the creature you mean?" said the science officer. "They didn’t have the acid."

"Well go ahead and kill it then," said the commander.

"Yes sir," said the science officer. "Good day sir." The science officer left the commander and the first officer and went on his way. He went back to the science lab and prepared the acid.

The Wolfclan: Chapter 7

Elim was very nervous. He was certain that when he and Cretal tried to save planet T-50323, they would both be killed. Elim was in the ship’s cafeteria. Cretal walked over to him. “Elim,” Cretal said, “I’d like a word with you, privately.” Cretal then winked, and Elim knew what he wanted to talk about.

Neither Cretal nor Elim had their own living quarters. They shared quarters with other crew members. The only place were they could talk alone was the rest rooms. Cretal and Elim went in the nearest one and checked to make sure no one was in it. After they found it to be empty, they began talking.

“They have the pack of wolves and the were wolf now in the prison. In two hours they will start to control their minds and make them invincible,” said Cretal.

“Do you plan to act now?” asked Elim.

“Of course,” answered Cretal. “No sense waiting till the last minute.”

Elim took a deep breath. “Okay,” he said. “Let’s go.” It was the policy of the alien government not to let the crew members carry laser guns. Only the commander and the first officercould carry the laser guns. The rest of the laser guns were kept locked up in a big safe, which only the commander, the first officer, and the second officer knew the combination to. Having no guns did not stop Cretal and Elim though. Besides, Elim had the gift of shooting fire.

Elim and Cretal walked quickly down the halls in the direction of the jail. Their plan was to take the key s from the jailer and free the were wolf and the wolf pack. As they were walking, an alien named Riton stopped them. “Cretal! Elim! How are you guys? I haven’t seen you two in weeks. Where have you been?” he exclaimed.

“Well it’s a big ship,” said Cretal. “It’s not hard to see why we haven’t run into each other. Listen Riton, what are your feelings about the way our government acts?”

“What brought this up?” asked Riton.

“I’m just taking a survey,” answered Cretal.

“Hmmm, well I guess those dang taxes are a little bit annoying,” said Riton.

“Okay,” said Cretal, pretending to write down the answer.. “How do you feel about the government’s policy to kill all intelligent life forms we find?”

“What kind of a survey is this?” asked Riton. “If I say I’m against the policy, I’ll get a laser through my head.”

“Oh no!” said Cretal. “This survey is confidential. Not even our government sees it.”

“Yeah right,” said Riton. “Who are you guys anyway? Secret government agents? I refuse to take this survey.”

“Okay then,” said Cretal in a relaxed voice. “No survey.” Cretal tore up the paper on which he had pretended to write down the answer. Riton was very nervous now and decided to change the subject.

“Did you guys see the new creature?” he asked.

“What new creature?” inquired Cretal.

“You haven’t heard?” said Riton. “The government just shipped him over to our ship today. We’re supposed to kill it using a special acid that we have onboard. If you hurry you might be able to see it before the science officer kills it. It’s the weirdest thing.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” said Cretal, trying to keep calm. “Come on Elim,” he said. “Let’s go see him.” Cretal and Elim walked quickly down the hall, towards the science lab. As soon as they were out of sight, they beginning running at full speed.

When they got to the science lab, they rushed in and were relieved to see that the creature had not been killed, but the science officer was about to pour the acid on it. “Stop!” yelled Cretal and Elim in unison. “We want to see the creature a minute before you kill it.”

The science officer looked up. “Well certainly boys,” he said. He chuckled as he took the creature out of the cage. “You two sure make it just in the nick of time.” The science officer brought the creature over. “Here he is.”

Cretal and Elim were both amazed. The creature looked like a rock. It had a face which looked very much like a human face, but its whole body was like a rock. The creature was about as big as a human head. “Amazing,” said Cretal. “How does it move?”

“Actually it doesn’t,” said the science officer. “It just sits in one place.”

“Then how does it survive?” asked Elim.

“Quite simple actually,” said the science officer. “The creature requires no nutrients. In other words, it doesn’t need to eat to survive.”

“Like a plant?” inquired Elim.

"No, no," said the science oneedser. "A plant nees nutrients from the soil, water, and sunlight. This creature needs nothing. It's like, well like a rock."

"Amazing," said Cretal. "What about predators?"

"Here, feel the creature," said the science officer as he put the creature into Cretal's hands. "Not only does it look like a rock, it feels like a rock. It would also taste like a rock if an animal tried to eat it. It also happens to be the only intelligent life form on its planet, so no intelligent life is around to kill it on purpose."

"So they don't die?" asked Cretal.

"I never said that," said the science officer. "They can die of disease or old age. They can also die from natural disasters, like if lightning hit them or a volcano erupted or a hurricane struck. Aaccidentallyanimal accidently knocked it off a cliff they could die that way too. Besides, us aliens can kill it with almost any of our weapons."

"How does it reproduce?" asked Elim.

"Oh, it reproducoursesexually of coure," answered the science officer.

"Earlier you referred to the creature as a he," said Cretal. "How do you know it is a male?"

"Actually the creature, and the rest of its species are of neither sex," said the science officer.

"The creature doesn't look too lively," observed Cretal.

"That's because he's asleep," said the science officer. "However I must wake him up before we kill him." The science officer, using an eye dropper, put a drop of acid on the creature. The creature's eyes opened immediately and it cried out in pain.

"If the creature can not move," said Elim, "I don't see how it could be a threat to our empire."

"What the creature lacks in physical capabilities it more than makes up for in its mental facilities," said the science officer.

"Even if the creature is exceedingly wise," said Cretal, "I don't see how it could do anything against us."

"Do not under estimate the creature," said the science officer. "It would find a way."

"But if the creature is so smart then wouldn't it know that it would be unwise to attack the empire?" asked Elim.

"I agree that the creature would not attack if it was not sure of victory, but if it found a way of defeating us it would be most wise of them to take aggressive action," the science officer answered.

Elim looked at Cretal. Cretal spoke. "We are going to free this creature," he said. "Are you going to help us?"

The science officer was stunned by these words. "You boys are crazy," he said.

"Are you going to help us?" repeated Cretal.

"Never," said the science officer coldly. The science officer ran to the shelf where all the chemicals were kept and took a beaker of very dangerous acid. Before he had a chance to throw the acid, Elim shot fire out of his eyes. He shot a straight line of fire which hit the science office's hands. The science officer dropped the acid beaker. The beaker broke and acid splattered all over, some of it landing on the science officer's legs. The science officer fell down in pain. Elim and Cretal rushed over to see if he was alright. When the science officer had fallen he had landed right by thkeptace where he kpet his chemicals. He grabbed another beaker of acid, a kind of special acid that is not found on earth, and waited for Cretal and Elim. Neither Cretal nor Elim had seen him grab the acid.

When Cretal and Elim reached the science officer, he threw the acid at them. Elim shot fire outinflamedyes and inflammed the acid in mid air. The acid was made of a very flammable material, and there was a fiery explosion. Everybody was knocked backwards. The room quickly caught on fire. Elim absorbed enough fire to make up for what he had turnedand Cretal tunred on the ceiling sprinklers. In seconds the fire was out.

"Is everyone alright?" asked Cretal.

"Everyone except the sansweredfficer," asnwered the creature. "In the explosion he was knocked against his acid shelf and several acids spilled on him."

"You speak the same language we do," said Cretal in astonishment.

"Well, actually it's not my native tongue," said the creature. "I picked it up while I was on your ship."

"But you've only been on our ship less than a day," said Cretal.

"Well, species to your speciies I'm a fast learner," said the creature. "Oh, by the way, I extremely appreciate the fact that you rescued me. The wisest plan of action would currently be to do some thing about the science officer."

"Of course," exclaimed Elim. "How is he?"

"He looks in serious condition," said the creature. "I think we can safely say that heconsciousnessgain conciousness for several hours."

"Perfect," said Cretal. "I'll take him to the ship's hospital and say he accidentally mixed two chemicals together that weren't supposed to be mixed and the explosion knocked him into his acid shelf."

"Okay," said Elim. "You do that and I'll keep every one out of this laboratory until you get back."

"Okay, see you then," said Cretal. Cretal put the science officer on a stretcher (the alien government made it a policy to keep a stretcher in every room in case of emergencies) and began dragging him toward the ship's hospital.

The Wolfclan: Chapter 8

No sooner had Cretal walked outside of the laboratory, dragging the science officer behind on a stretcher, then he was surrounded by other aliens who wanted to know what had happened. Cretal always answered in the same way: "There is no time to explain, help me get this man to the hospital." Pretty soon, Cretal had five other aliens helping him carry the stretcher.

In a short time they reached the ship's hospital. The ship's doctor looked at the science officer and then exclaimed, "What happened to him?"

"He accidently mixed two chemicals together that weren't supposed to be mixed," answered Cretal. "The explosion knocked him into his acid shelf and several acid bottles spilled on him."

"Who are you?" asked the doctor.

"My name's Cretal," Cretal replied. "I'm a lieutenant."

"Indeed," the doctor said. "And who was in the laboratory when this happened?"

"Just me, the science officer, and Elim," answered Cretal.

"Okay then, everyone except Cretal and Elim leave," said the doctor.

"While everyone was leaving, Cretal spoke up. "Sir, Elim isn't here. He's back at the science lab."

"Indeed," said the doctor. "The I guess you'll have to do." The doctor called to his assistant. "Question him in the usual procedure." The doctor's assistant took Cretal to a small room adjoining the ship's hospital. The doctor, meanwhile, began to work on the science officer.

"Let's get started," said the assistant. "Who was present when this accident occured?"

"I've already answered this question," said Cretal. "Myself, Elim, and the science officer."

The assistant jotted Cretal's answer down in his note book. "Who are you?" asked the assistant.

"My name's Cretal, I'm a lieutenant, and I already answered this one too," replied Cretal.

"Just be patient," said the assistant as he wrote down the answer. "Who is Elim?"

"He's also a lieutenant," answered Cretal.

"Do you know what two chemicals the science officer mixed together to make such a big explosion?” asked the assistant.

“No, I don’t,” replied Cretal.

“Cretal,” said the assistant, “our science officer is one of the best all around scientists. I don’t think it would be like him to put two chemicals together that would cause an explosion.”

“Well he didn’t exactly mix them on purpose,” said Cretal. “He kinda, well you know, he sort of was carrying the two chemicals and he, um, dropped them and they fell to the ground and the beakers broke and the chemicals mixed with each other.”

The assistant looked suspiciously at Cretal, and then he wrote the answer down. “Thank you for answering these questions,” he said in a voice which made it clear he didn’t mean it. “I’ll be back in a moment.” The assistant went out of the room. Through the window, Cretal could see, but not hear, what the assistant was doing.

First the assistant went to the doctor, who was operating on the science officer, and tried to discuss the answers. The doctor brushed him away, obviously indicating that he was busy. The assistant then went to the intercom and the face of the first officer was displayed on the screen. The two exchanged some words and then the assistant headed back to the little room.

When the assistant returned, he sat down and looked at Cretal. “I understand that the science officer had a creature he was supposed to kill. Did he kill that creature?” asked the assistant.

“No sir, he did not,” Cretal replied. “But the explosion from the mixing of the chemicals smashed it to bits.”

“You’re quite sure he’s dead?” questioned the assistant.

“I’m positive,” said Cretal.

“Were either you are Elim hurt?” inquired the assistant.

“No sir,” answered Cretal.

“How do you account for the fact that the science officer was severely injured from this explosion, and the creature was killed, but neither you nor Elim were hurt?” the assistant asked.

“Both me and Elim were standing away from the explosion,” answered Cretal.

“Elim and I,” corrected the assistant as he wrote down the answer. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be back in a moment.”

Again the assistant went to the intercom where the first officer’s face was displayed. The two exchanged some words, and then the assistant headed back. “Please come with me,” he said to Cretal.

Cretal followed him out the door and down the halls. “Where are we going?” asked Cretal.

“We’re going to the science lab,” replied the assistant. “Once we get there, we will meet the first officer and inspect the room, find the remains of the creature, and then take Elim to be questioned.”

Cretal knew that if they inspected the room they would find that the creature was not dead, he and Elim would be put in prison, and the planet T-50323 would be destroyed. He had to do something. He thought about attacking the assistant now. In the time he would use to take care of the assistant, the first officer would get to the lab, and knowing the first officer, he would search the lab without waiting for the assistant. Of course Elim could take care of the first officer by himself, and it would be easier if the assistant was out of the way first. Elim decided now would be the best time to get rid of the assistant. Besides, there was no one in the hall, but there was always lots of guys by the science lab, and there were probably lots more after the terrible “accident.”

Cretal saw the storage room was up ahead. In the storage room were all sorts of stuff, including lots of rope (suitable for tying somebody up). Cretal waited until they were right next to the storage room, then, from the back, he grabbed the assistant around the neck and tried to move him in to the storage room. The assistant hit Cretal hard in the stomach with his elbow. Cretal stopped pushing the assistant toward the storage room, and moaned in pain. The assistant hit him with his elbow again. Cretal released his grip and the assistant ran two steps forward, then turned around. Cretal ran towards the assistant, but the assistant punched him in the face. Cretal staggered backwards, and before he knew what was happening, the assistant punched him in the stomach, and then the face, and then the face again. Cretal fell to the ground.

“I thought your story sounded suspicious,” said the assistant triumphantly. “So I brought along this.” The assistant pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and also a pair of leg cuffs. The leg cuffs were an invention by the aliens used to bind one’s ankles together. “I also anticipated some trouble getting you into them,” continued the assistant. “So I brought along this syringe, which hold medicine that will knock you out.” The assistant held the syringe in the air. “You have two choices my friend. Number one, surrender and let me put these cuffs on you, and I’ll make sure you are executed in the way you prefer. Number two, you can attempt to escape and force me to use this syringe on you. What’s your choice?”

“Does this answer your question?” asked Cretal as he grabbed the assistant’s leg and jerked it towards him, causing the assistant to fall. Cretal began to stand up, but the assistant was too quick for him. The assistant, with the syringe in his hand, lunged at Cretal. Cretal kicked the syringe out of the assistant’s hand. The syringe flew a ways down the hall. Both Cretal and the assistant ran for the syringe. Cretal dived to the floor and grabbed the syringe, then he smiled triumphantly. His smile came to an abrupt end when he heard a snapping sound and felt leg cuffs around his ankles. The assistant wasted no time. No sooner had he snapped on the leg cuffs then he jumped on Cretal’s back and grabbed the hand in which Cretal held the syringe. He twisted it back, being careful not to let Cretal inject the medicine in the syringe into him. Cretal let go of the syringe and the assistant let go of Cretal’s hand so he could pick the syringe up. As soon as the assistant let go of his hand, Cretal grabbed the assistant’s hand and flipped the assistant off of his back and onto the floor. Then Cretal began trying to stand up, but it was quite difficult with his ankles bound.

Cretal did manage to stand up however, by leaning against the wall and inching up. Cretal was also able to do this quite quickly, so he was up at the same time as the assistant. The assistant bowed his head and charged towards Cretal, hoping to thrust his horn into Cretal’s chest. Cretal jumped out of the way to avoid being killed, but he could not keep his balance after leaping aside. He fell backwards into the storage room.

Cretal had landed on his back. The assistant jumped on him and brought the syringe down swiftly. Indeed he would have injected Cretal, if Cretal had not been equally quick. Cretal grabbed the assistant’s wrist as the syringe was coming towards him. Then with his other hand Cretal punched the assistant’s face. Before the assistant could recover from that blow, Cretal hit his wrist with a karate like chop. The assistant dropped the syringe and Cretal picked it up. The assistant jumped off and stood up before Cretal could make use of the syringe. Then the assistant kicked the syringe out of Cretal’s hand. The syringe went flying behind some boxes but the assistant did not go after it. Instead he kicked Cretal again and again and again, and would have kicked him more yet had not Cretal caught the assistant off guard and swung his legs at the assistant’s feet, thus tripping him. The assistant fell and Cretal wasted no time in standing up, balancing himself against the boxes. The assistant also sprang to his feet.

Cretal looked at the assistant and realized that the odds did not favor him in the fight. He was hardly a match for the assistant with those leg cuffs on and the only way to get them off was to unlock them, but the assistant had the key. Cretal knew in order to win this fight he would have to make use of the objects in the room.

Cretal picked up one of the boxes he was leaning against, which was about five decimeters cubed, and hurled it at the assistant. The box simply bounced off of his opponent. The assistant bowed his head and charged forward hoping to ram his horn into Cretal. Now Cretal had been leaning against a row of boxes, each one about the same size. When he had thrown one at the assistant, it created a cavity in the row. The cavity was located right about his head. Cretal put his hands in the cavity and pulled the rest of his body up, just barely escaping the assistant’s horn. The assistant crashed into the boxes, making the whole row fall, including Cretal.

Cretal landed on the ground quite painfully, but no serious injuries. He looked up at the assistant, who had a box stuck on his horn. The assistant pulled the box off of his horn, and several of the boxes’ contents fell on him. The box held and alien fruits, which was very soft and squishy and splattered all over the assistant as soon as it touched him. Cretal got an idea. “I could throw this fruit at the assistant,” he thought.

Cretal stood up as quickly as he could without falling over, and hopped toward a bunch of boxes by the wall which held more alien fruit. The assistant saw what he was doing, and ran over to stop him. Cretal turned around to face the assistant and punched him in the face. The assistant staggered backward and Cretal punched him again in the stomach. Then Cretal punched the assistant once more in the face and sent him to the ground. Cretal hopped over to the boxes and tried to open them, but he could not. Cretal knew he would have to use some thing to get them open. Then Cretal saw what he was looking for, a crow bar. Cretal grabbed the crow bar and started to crack open the box. Then, all of a sudden, something clicked in Cretal. He realized he could use the crowbar as a weapon instead of using it to open the boxes.

Cretal was so intent in his work that he had not noticed the assistant, who had got up and retrieved the syringe. The assistant quietly moved to the right position and threw the syringe at Cretal. The needle buried itself in Cretal’s shoulder, but the medicine was not injected. The assistant ran up to inject the medicine. Cretal waited until the assistant was right behind him, then swung around and hit the assistant’s head with the crow bar. The assistant fell to the ground and lay motionless. Cretal did not know how injured the assistant was, but he figured he was hurt too bad to leave tied up in the storage room as he had originally planned. Instead he would have to leave him in the hallway. It wouldn’t be long before someone spotted him there and took him to the ship’s hospital. Cretal dragged the assistant into the hallway. He pulled the syringe out of his shoulder, and, because the thought it might be useful later on, put it in his pocket. He took the keys from the assistant’s pockets and unlocked his leg cuffs. Then, armed with the syringe and the crow bar, he ran down the hallway toward the science lab.

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Story of Giddo

I guess this isn't so much as story as a game. I wrote one sentence, my little brother Kyle wrote another sentence, and we tried to make a story.
This is more or less a disaster. For one thing these kind of games never make good stories. Secondly Kyle was 5 years younger than me, and couldn't really follow my lead on a lot of stuff. You'll note it takes a whole paragraph before we even get a plot going.
I think I was in 7th grade. Kyle must have been in second grade. Jessica was in Kindergarten. I wrote the normal looking sentences. Kyle did the all caps, and Jessica did the bold faced.

There was a second chapter as well originally, but it got lost. Probably just as well.

Once there was a dog named Giddo, AND HE WANTED A DOGGY BONE. So he went to his friend spike and asked for a doggy bone AND HIS FRIEND GAVE HIM ONE. Giddo then went home with his bone, but he met another dog who also wanted a bone AND THEY SPLIT THE BONE AND ATE IT. But when they found out they got a posionious bone and they both got sick AND THEY WENT BACK TO THEIR OWNERS. Giddo's owner took him to the vet to see what was wrong with him. THE VET COULDN'T FIND OUT WHAT WAS WRONG. Giddo was still sick so his owner took him to another vet, BUT THIS VET ALSO COULDN'T FIND OUT WHAT WAS WRONG. Giddo got very sick and had to stay in bed all day long. HIS OWNER TOOK VERY GOOD CARE OF HIM. Then one day Giddo went mad. HE FOUGHT WITH ALL THE OTHER DOGS. He even bit his owner. SO HIS OWNER BROUGHT GIDDO BACK TO THE PET SHOP. Giddo didn't like the pet store and he bit the pet store owner. THE PET STORE OWNER DECIDED TO GET RIDE OF GIDDO. He sent him to the vet to have him put to sleep, but on the way to the vet Giddo got out of his cage. THEN GIDDO BIT THE PET STORE OWNER and ran into the woods. Giddo ran into a tree and became unconscious AND HE HAD A DREAM. He dreamt that his owner missed him and that he would take good care of him. When he woke up he was no longer mad, he was all better. HE RAN BACK TO HIS OWNER'S HOUSE. Then Giddo scratched at the door of his house so his owner would let him in. But his owner had moved away. SO GIDDO WANTED TO FIND HIS OWNER. Giddo began looking around the neighborhood for his owner, but the dog pound truck came. The dog pound truck captured Giddo and brought him to the pound. Giddo had no liscence because the pet store owner had taken it away. GIDDO WAS BROUGHT TO THE POUND CAGES, WERE ALL THE OTHER DOGS WERE CRYING. Unless someone adopted Giddo by Friday, Giddo would be put to sleep. THEN THREE BOYS CAME TO ADOPT DOGS, ONE OF THEM WANTED GIDDO. Giddo’s new owner was very nice, but Giddo wanted to be with his old owner. THEN ONE DAY GIDDO’S OLD OWNER CAME TO VISIT THE BOY, NOT KNOWING THAT THE BOY HAD HIS OLD DOG. But Giddo didn’t see his old owner, because he was at the vet for a check-up. GIDDO’S OLD OWNER BEGAN TALKING ABOUT GIDDO. “I have a dog just like your old dog,” said the boy. “COME AGAIN TOMORROW AND I’LL SHOW YOU MY NEW DOG.”

But that night, as the man was driving home, he was in a serious car accident. BUT THE BOY SAW THE ACCIDENT SO HE WENT OUT TO HELP GIDDO’S OLD OWNER. As the boy was running into the street he slipped on a curb and fell on his back. PRETTY SOON AN AMBULANCE CAME TO TAKE THEM BOTH TO THE HOSPITAL. Because of the terrible accident, everyone forgot about Giddo and he stayed at the vet’s all night. THE BOY’S MOTHER PICKED GIDDO UP THE NEXT MORNING. The boy got out of the hospital the next day, but Giddo’s old owner stayed in the hospital for a long time. Pretty soon school started for the boy, and Giddo was lonely most of the day. GIDDO SPENT MOST OF THE TIME PLAYING IN THE BOY’S BED. The boy’s mother didn’t like that so she locked the boy’s door while the boy was away. GIDDO SCRATCHED AT THE BOY’S BEDROOM DOOR, TRYING TO GET IN. GIDDO MADE LOTS OF SCRATCHES AT THE BOY’S DOOR. THE BOY’S MOTHER SAW GIDDO AND PUT HIM OUT SIDE. It was raining outside, and Giddo got cold and wet. GIDDO SCRATCHED ON THE DOOR, BUT IT WAS NO USE. THE BOY’S MOTHER WOULD NOT LET HIM IN. Giddo ran away looking for a dry place to go. THE ONLY PLACE GIDDO COULD FIND WAS A TREE IN THE BOY’S YARD. Giddo caught pneumonia from being out in the rain so long. WHEN THE BOY CAME HOME FROM SCHOOL, GIDDO WAS VERY SICK. The boy’s mother took Giddo to the vet. THE VET GAVE GIDDO A CHECK-UP. The vet gave the boy and his mother some medicine to give to Giddo. Giddo was very sick for a while, but then after 6 months he became all better. ON NIGHT, while Giddo was sleeping, three robbers came into the house to rob it. THEY ALSO KIDNAPED THE BOY. The boy tried to get away. Giddo woke up AND HE SAW THEM KIDNAP THE BOY. Giddo jumped on one of the robbers, and knocked him down. THE ROBBER WAS KNOCKED OUT. One of the robbers ran off to their car, taking the boy with him. The other robber took a club and began to swing it at Giddo. THE ROBBER HIT GIDDO IN THE HEAD, AND GIDDO WAS KNOCKED OUT. The robber than ran and got a glass of water, and splashed it on the other robber’s face to wake him up AND THE OTHER ROBBER WOKE UP. When the boy’s mother woke up, she looked for the boy, BUT SHE COULD NOT FIND HIM. She also noticed that several of her valuable possessions had been stolen. SHE WAS VERY SAD. She called the police and told them to come over. THE POLICE WREE ABLE TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED. They began an immediate search for the kidnappers. FINALLY THEY FOUND THEM. Then they arrested the kidnappers and returned the boy to his mother. THE BOY’S MOTHER WAS REALLY HAPPY. Giddo was really happy too.