Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Wolfclan: Mack's Attack

The Wolf pack was quite happy
But Humans wanted to end that snappy

They wanted to kill all of the pack
And add some more Wolf pelts to the stack

People back then thought wolves were bad
The thought of a wolf pack made them mad

They hired a wolfer to destroy the pack
A man who went by the name of Mack

Mack cheerfully went to buy a gun
For him killing wolves was lots of fun

Mack wanted all the wolves to be killed
Cause then he knew his pockets would be filled

He marched into the woods, the wolves he would shoot
Cause he wanted to drag in all the loot

He marched through the woods with a gun in his arm
If he could see a wolf, he'd do it some harm

The wolves smelled the human scent
and into hiding they all went

But Mack was no dope, he knew his stuff
It was awfully hard to pull his bluff

He thought he had the wolves for sure
He followed the footprints to find where they were

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